The War In Iran Has Started , Terrorist Attack In America Due!
Before preceding further , to understand what I am about to say here , it would be best for you to read this article posted here : and here is a second source if something happens to the first one and it turns up missing :
They are now settig the stage for an attack in Iran by marshalling forces in Azerbaijan, north of Iran and west of the Caspian Sea. At this same time the CIA is using Saddam Hussiens old inteligence unit to run terrorist attacks in Iran to destabilize the government before the full fledged attack begins. For this war in Iran to be justified there is first going to have to be a terror attack in America to play upon the pearl harbor mentality of the people to get behind the war. It will be touted that bin laden did it, who is a CIA puppet mind you, ( and he is being harboured in Iran. The draft is sitting in the wings and ready to go all on a lie brought to you by the military industrial complex.
There has even been talk of raising the draft age up to 42. If things go according to plan as these fools want , the U.S. government and Constitution will be completly pushed aside as FEMA is mobilized and the presidental executive orders put into play. America will be turned into a war machine if people go along with the lie and the fear mongering. We all must resist the draft , the national ID cards that will be made "manditory" , and demand a full scale investigation where the public is involved. No NATIONAL SECURITY should be aloud to be used as a cover for the criminals in government who perpetrated the atrocity. We can not allow them to rush the nation into another war. These wars are not stoping terrorism , anyone with common sense can come to the conclusion that they are bredding terrorism if anything. But this is all part of the Illuminati's plan because they have the power and influence to catch these "terrorist" and direct them in ways beyond their own knowledge.
Herman Goering , a Nazi on trial at the Nuremburg trial said, " Why of course the people don't want war. Why should some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece? Naturally the common people don't want war neither in Russia, nor in England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country."
These wars do not serve the American people , they are destroying America and using America to take over countries for the New World Order, and in the end when they are done using America as the little engine to start the global governments engine, we will be tossed aside like a used up whore.
Wars in fact are used so the international one world orders can reposes nations and suck them up into the world government. This is what the purpose of war is realy for.
In fact the only time a war should be fought is if a nation falls under the spell of a dictator and that dictator leads that brainwashed counrty to invade another. Pre-emptive wars can never be justified , pre-emtive strikes are the moves of dictatorships and hijacked countries, and there is no way that a nation can bring freedom to another founded on such a foundation of madness, it must be done by setting an example and allowing others to follow it or not.
This war in Iran is leading up to a third world war , were behind Iran stands China, Russia, India , Pakistan and North Korea who all recently signed economic treaties together.
Here is an article to chew on called China, Russia issue joint statement on new world order, . Do a search on China and read some of the recent news about that area of the world and add it up. At the top, the west is controlled just as the east by the same secret international cabal. Why is it that Hitler called for a new world order , George Bush on sep 11, 1990 before congress called for a new world order and now we see russian and china issueing a joint statement on a new world order.
In fact this plan for three world wars was written up by albert pike who was a top freemason who was said to have had direct contact with satan and was a leader of the KuKluxKlan.
Here a few links to get a picture of who albert pike was and what plan he was given in satanic communion to foster three world wars that would be used as the great problem-reaction-solution , to sell or force the people into a one world order, global fascist state.
There is also alot of other information there on this satanist pike and is a great web site exposing the internationalist global plan in general.
How we act in regards to this can change the course of history , we must not be drug along by the lies told by these leaders who have given us no accountability thus far. If they were really there trying to do good in the world I do not then believe that we would be in such a state of affairs we are in now. We must demand the TRUTH and damn the national security act of 1947 to hell , for it is nothing but a cancer to America that has allowed criminality to run rife through our government at our own expense and the expense of innocent people in other nations as well. If we fail in rising to the challange that lies before us, not only will we pay dearly for that failure but it will plunge the rest of the world into destruction and choas, just as the illuminati plan. With out the American people's involment , America can not be drug into this third world war , based on the phantom of terrorism, and without American involvement the illuminati will not have the strong arm of the west to go against the eastern "axis", therefore there would be no war without all the pieces on the playing board for the illuminati to direct.
We can stop them , and we will . I will leave you with this qoute from Samuel Adams,
"If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude better than the animating contest of freedom, go home from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or your arms. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen."
Any theories on who might be today´s leaders of the New World Order? Concrete names I mean
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