Healing the Planet of the new world order dis-ease

The problems of the world are not an accident , but are created by design through the Hegelian dialectic and the Machiavellian protocols. If we are to find true solutions to our present crises, then we must get to the roots of how and why these problems exist for us in the first place. Most if not all of these problems can be traced back to the New Wolrd Order! "seek and ye shall find" and when you find the truth, then it is the "truth that shall set you free".

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

On Love and Fear: In Light of Our Present dilemma

It is imperative that people start to look at the suffering occurring on this planet from a place of honesty. To have peace one must understand the conditions which has caused the non-peace. Years ago there where the talks about the middle east peace process but now we see the middle east engulfed in war. Does this not tell you that the people who say they are leading the world for the benifit of the people of the world are doing something wrong and/or up to something entirely different than what they have proclaimed and are proclaiming.
On the surface is it not logical that the "war on terrorism" will cause more terrorism and not assuage it. There is more to this picture and the evidence to show it , but it really comes down to two things here , love and fear.
Love has the courage to look into the heart of darkness and heal it , while fear tries to fight a projection of the root problems and then turns into it's "enemy" in an attempt to beat the "enemy". Fear all along tries to justify the hypocrisy of it's endeavors. Love seeks to understand , love stands back and takes a breath , and says my gut is telling me there is something more to this , love has patience and compassion. Fear will only compound the problems by polorizing the situation. The end of that path is destruction for both sides , especially when the polorized groups are are being lead astray by the same players(actors) who are merely playing different parts. Again the evidence says so and love would not have a problem looking it square in the face , but fear , yes fear does because it will fall into denial and say it couldn't be so. But why not? Because you wouldn't do that , well if you judge the actions of what others would do by what you would do , then you are lacking something called discernment. Discernment is the ability to see through the games and tricks of deceitful people and act accordingly, to see the cup for it's contents and not be fooled by it's attire. Would you drink poison from a cup that was made out of gold and studded with jewels , because it was gold and studded with jewels? No, of coarse not , but people eat and drink the poison of "leaders" who put on this act day after day , simply because they are leaders in positions of power. It really makes no sense!
The fact of the matter is this . When the rain falls it does not fall on one mans house. If the majority of people are unwilling to look into what is being discovered in the research community in regards to the new world order and face this the easy way by getting educated , educating others and coming together and acting in accord against it, then people will have to face this thing the hard way and be drug through the atrocity that is planned for humanity and is happening right now , but will increase at the hands of the new world order planners.
The sentiment of all the researchers and whistle blowers who are exposing this thing in all of it's myriad levels ,I feel is summed up beautifully by Cicero when he said , "On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains"
The reason we suffer is to alert us that something is wrong, we suffer so we may know where to investigate the problem truthfully so we can heal it. If people on a mass level believe they can get away with ignoring the suffering and the writing is on the wall , then those people are in for a big surprise and I don't say that as a "HA HA your wrong " thing , but as a truth of life , we are made to suffer so we can heal. If we chose to ignore the suffering than it will only get worse until something breaks and we become bed ridden in a worse off state , then we will have to face the suffering because we were forced too. This works on an individual level and a collective level because all things are connected and we all all brothers and sisters on this earth , we are all children of the almighty Creator no matter what our differences may be and our differences are to be respected as our beauty marks of our sovereign rights as people, cultures, and nations.
"All of you are here to look into the dark, because in the dark you will find both the light and the reason the light is returning. You can not simply go toward the light and say," Hey , darkness is bad. It is negative. I don't want to see." Be open to what you do not want to see. Keep your heart open , and trust that the pain you may experience needs to be explored so that it can be released after being processed on a memory level. Do not run from the shadow of life , for there is much healing to be completed once the pain of the darker side of life is felt , realized , and understood". From "Earth " by Barbara Marciniak
In the end of this great drama that is unfolding before us, that all of us are an integral part of, we will be healed , the planet will be healed , the question is how hard of a road is it going to be getting there? Ultimately the new world order will fall , that I am sure of , it's foundations are set on sand. "BABYLON THE GREAT HAS FALLEN!" - headline reads in the near future!


At 2:14 AM, Blogger Love Light's Smith said...

I have found the Miracle of Love Light in Numerology. It is so perfect and it has to do with 9/11. 9/11 is supposed to be Love Light but they turned it into Hate and Darkness with negative energy. I am promoting a World Love Light Day to be celebrated on 9/11 every year. This year it is 9/11/9, a year of completion and balance, by way of power and connected to Creator in body mind and spirit.

At 2:07 AM, Blogger Noahs Ark said...

Good luck Charles, but I don't think that is practical enough to really deal with the situation. It will take much more of an understanding in regards to what is happening within and without than just setting aside days for yearly rituals. Also you should consider that light can be used to deceive...


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