Healing the Planet of the new world order dis-ease

The problems of the world are not an accident , but are created by design through the Hegelian dialectic and the Machiavellian protocols. If we are to find true solutions to our present crises, then we must get to the roots of how and why these problems exist for us in the first place. Most if not all of these problems can be traced back to the New Wolrd Order! "seek and ye shall find" and when you find the truth, then it is the "truth that shall set you free".

Friday, October 27, 2006

Aaron Russo's America: Freedom to Fascism

Aaron Russo has hit the nail on the head. Now all that is left is for the people to do is get educated on how the Federal Reserve has been used to turn Americans into wage slaves, get involved by taking mature responsiblity for this condition and drive this nail home on the coffin of the federal reserve.

If we are going to stop this march towards world governent, bringing an end to the federal reserve and putting the power to coin money back into the hands of the people is the most practical place to begin in rolling back the control structures of the new world order.

The federal reserve issue and obtaining a truly independent investigation into the 911 attacks are the two key places of weakness for the new world order agenda. Set yourself upon a strong foundation of facts by getting educated and get involved, our future depends on it.

Please support Aaron and spread this message by taking friends and family to go see this film when it comes your local area. For listings see the Freedom to Fascism website and if your local theature has not picked it up please contact them and ask them to do so, details for doing this can be found at Aaron's website.


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