Jews Against Zionism: Israel Should Not Exist
A Jew who is true to his faith speaks out against the nation of Israel. Zionism is a political tool being used to manipulate the Jewsish people who are being used as a means to serve the ends of the new world order agenda. All of the problems we see in the Middle East today started with the creation of the "Jewish" state of Israel. Israel is a Zionist state and not a Jewish state at all. The Jewish people are being tricked into becoming another holocaust (being a sacrifice) upon the altar of the new world order.
Albert Pike in a letter to Giusseppe Mazzini:
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of the Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view."
It is extremly important that the difference between Judaism and Zionism be understood. Jews are not Zionist and Zionist are not Jews. Zionism is a branch of the new world order specifically designed to lead Jews astray and use them as a manipulation base to serve the ends of creating a global government.
"And it was given unto him to make war with the Saints... And power was given him over all kindreds, tongues, and nations;" i.e. world government. - Rev 13 v.7
"Behold I will make them of the synogogue of satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie." Rev 3 v.9
...and that goes for all religions and everything else. There are those who are true to what they claim to be; and then there are those who are fakes and use the mask of deception for an ulterior motive.
Jews United Against Zionism
I totally disagee with the orthodox rabbi who both appeared and made comments on the Cavuto show regarding opposition to the Zionist movement which was responsible for the drive to create a homeland for the Jew. To begin, though certain men may have been the instruments behind such an event, the reality of the actual existence of the State of Israel came by providential birth via the prophetic passages as found in the Old Covenant scriptures. Yes, Zionism was a tool to awaken the need for a homeland but the ultimate conception was divinely arranged. The evidence behind this assertion is far from coincidental: the return of the Yemenites from the Land of Teman(Yemen), their flight on eagles wings (air transport), the cultivation of the Negev and the blossoming of the rose as predicted, the gradual (trickling) of Jews back to Israel from many parts of the world. The rabbi contends that materialism is destroying the country whereas it fared better when under the auspices of spiritual leadership. Does he believe that the enemies surrounding this new-born nation will be silent in their drive to push Israel into the sea? Does he not recognize that only a well prepared militia governed by electors can truly safeguard the prsent and future security of this country? And does he believe that a pious and praying citizenry only is sufficient for its defense? Israe's birth is a miracle! For that alone, the rabbi should bless G-d and be thankful for the doors are now opened for the return of the Moshiach who will Himself enter the City of David through the portals of the Golden Gate!
This is the Zionist terrorism
There is no state called Israel. State of thieves called Israel a basis of the displacement and killing of Innocent nation of thieves basis bloodshed and war And the arrest of people for tens of years to prevent him THE RIGHT TO LIFE. basis steal the land of the Palestinian people And then steal the land of the Arab-Muslim the entire .State of the thieves do not know the law ..... Does not recognize the law of the United Nations, a state that considers itself above the law . the law is the siege of Gaza And the bloodshed and destruction of houses and killing innocent people and occupying the country .This is the Zionist Terrorism State of ISRAEL
Edwin, I deleted your other two post which where mainly repeats of this one I left here. Repeating your comment 3 times will NOT make your false claims true.
I suggest that you do some research and thinking on your own instead of buying into the lies you are told to justify the theft of the land from the Palestinians, because that is what it is. First I would recommend you to read a book called The Bible Unearthed by Israel Finkelstein and Neil Asher Silberman. This book will help you to understand that what is claimed in the Torah of an old biblical Israel is simply not the case when these claims are measured against the archeological findings. You will find that Judaism was created by King Joshia as a political tool of the time to unify the people of that area for war. Judaism was the organizing principle of that time as Zionism is serving the same purpose in these times.
Another book that will enlighten you would be The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler. In this book you will learn that the majority of the Jews today are not semitic at all but from a place called Khazaria, a people having no connection to semitic Jews. The Khazars converted to Judaism in the 8th century and it is these Jews who are the ones who are making claims on the land of Palestine, claims which are unfounded and by a people who have no connection to the land what so ever.
Now there are reasons for the state of Israel being created but it is not for the reasons that you believe. I in no way am attacking you when i tell you that your mind has been polluted with propaganda, I tell you this to inform you and in the hope that you will reconsider your beliefs, because your beliefs are being used against you and the Jewish people as whole. Israel is being used as a tool as well as the Jewish people to serve an end they have no idea is in play.
I can not go into all of the dynamics of this here for you, but I will encourage you to read up on the end of world war one, the Balfour declaration and also on Benjamin Freedman.
Then please take the time to do a through reading of what your own people have to say about the nation of Israel and Zionism.
Jews Not Zionist
Jews Against Zionism
On a final note I would like to direct you this book about Zionist collaboration with the Nazis and ask yourself the question as to why? You would claim to be against anti-semitism and nazism but when anyone does an honest assessment of what Israel has done since its inception in the Middle East you will find that the Jews have been doing the that which they claim to be against and have been victims of in the past. It is a classic case of do as I say or believe and not as I do, when it should be - do unto others as you would have them do unto you. For just one moment put your foot into the shoe of the Palestinian for once and consider it. All because of some religious belief you are allowing yourself to be used as a tool in reshaping the Middle East into the image and design of unscrupulous men, towards an end that will leave both Jew and Muslim ,Arab and Israeli with nothing.
Do yourself and the rest of the world some good by getting your head out of the dialectic.
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