The "War on Terror" and prelude to WW3, The big problem ?
The war on terror is nothing but a sham that is based on the bluff that terrorist are now running loose throughout the world, putting the civilized nations at risk.(G7>G8) . The war is nothing more than a springbaord being used to launch into another world war and a world war in these times, with this present technology will not leave the earth a pretty place. The document put forth by the project for the new american cenrury(PNAC) , called "Rebuilding Americas Defenses" published in Sep. of 2000,( ) speaks of the plan that the Neo "Conservatives" have for this war on terror. It's all layes out , to start on pg. 51 it states , "Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revoluiotnary change , is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event- like a NEW PEARL HARBOR." , this of coarse came into play on 9-11-01 a year after the document was published. The sentence following that one goes on to say," Domestic politics and industrial policy will shape the pace and content of transformation as much as the requirements of current missions." What this statement implies is nothing short of calling for a military dictatorship in the United States as a mission requirement to what is known as "the war on terror" , and is a part of what has been called "The Revolution in Military Affairs" for alittle more than 2 decades now. Industrial policy , the military industrial complex's policy, in it's corporate take over of america, which leads to facsism, which is corporate control of the state. But , is it really the military , or is the military, just an arm of a hidden beast, where the main parts of the body knows not what the head is thinking, because all that is ever expected of those who die on the killing fields , is to follow orders. Many are dieing in Iraq, and have allready died for a false claim ,"that saddam had weapons of mass destruction". It became a national motto for the months leading up to the war and with out 9-11 , the war in Iraq would not have ensued as it has. Lets look back into another comment made in the PNAC document, on pg. 14 it states, " ...the United States has for decades sought to play a more permanent role in the Gulf regional security. While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides the immediate justification, the need for a substantial America force presemce in the Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of Saddam Hussien." They also mention Syria, Lybia, North Korea, and using Iraq as a permanant base as a launching ground for a protracted war in the middle east. China is also mentioned, particularly bringing this psudo kind of "democracy" we have in the US over to them inChina. That is why all of this is leading to WW3. Oh and lets not forget they have Iran on the roster also, which the Bush regime has in it's sights for June of this year 2005. ( ) That means, as the Machevelian protocol calls for, there will be some type of occurance to justify taking this "war on terror" into Iran. An attack at home or abroad , and quit possibly both. Behind Iran stands China, Russia , and Noth Korea. This plan of a new world order, you will find reaches back into history over the cenruties,if you are willing to dig for the pieces of this puzzle , you will come to know babylon as a mystery no more. Mystery Babylon in the Book of Revelations is what the new wolrd order is and their end of a global government , is the kingdom of the beast/ anti-christ. )
To be continued . . . . . . . .
"The whole world is run on bluff. No race, no nation , no man has any divine right to take advantage of others. Why allow the other fellow to bluff you? " - Marcus Mosiah Garvey 1923
" We are living in a civilation that is highly developed. We are living in a world that is scientifically arranged in which everything done by those who control is done trough system; proper arrangement , proper organization, and among some of the organized methods used to control the world is a thing known and called PROPAGANDA.
Propaganda has done more to defeat the good intentions of races and nations than even open warfare. Propaganda is a method or mediumused by organized peoples to convert others against their will" - Marcus Mosiah Garvey 1923
" These young people face a world beset with the most effectively organized programme of deceptive propaganda and of thinly screened operations ever known" - Haile Selassie I Dec. 19 , 1961
"Knowledge paves the way to love and love in its turn fosters understanding and leads one alomg the path of great common acheivments..... " Haile Selassie I Feb. 27 , 1951