A Natural Mystic: The Honey Bee is Speaking to Us
Video Pictograph and Essay by A.j. Bruno
Music by Bob Marley
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Here is a video pictograph that tells a story and carries a message along to the Bob Marley song "Natural Mystic." Life is majestic and beautiful! There is so much sacredness to life that is being thrown to the wind in these times as the new world order agenda unfolds catching many with the spell they weave while the innocent are being slaughtered across globe by the so-called civilized world.
The one thing that the power hungry are overlooking is that the earth has a soul and all life is intertwined, it can not be subdued. The result will only end in destruction and the signs are showing in many ways. One of these signs are being spoken to us through the honey bee.
I worked on a honey farm in the summer of 2003 and during my tenor there I learned much about the bees. One thing that I learned is that the bees are a barometer of the environment. Because of how many beekeepers are treating the bees to produce more honey they are causing them much damage to their health. Bees feed on honey which is an alkaline food. Instead of giving the bees the honey they need from their hive that they gather with all their hard work, their honey is being harvested and in turn they are being feed sugar water as a substitute. Sugar is an acidic burning food and it is destroying the health of the bees. An acid state in any form of life is a state of decay and it is needed to recycle life in the circle we are all a part of; but it is only a natural state in death and not when alive. This unhealthy state they are in makes them less resistant to the mites that are effecting them. Disease can only proliferate in a disease conducive environment. This is only one cause though to what the bee population is suffering from.
Other causes that are effecting the bees are electromagnetic frequencies that are being pumped into the air by all the cell phone towers and military technologies such as HAARP. These frequencies are having an effect on the bees along with the chemtrails that work in tandem with these frequencies as plasma antennas. Bees use natural electromagnetic frequencies to hone in on where the flowers are that they gather their pollen and nectar from and to speak to one another. Birds do the same when it comes to traveling south for the winter. The birds are also showing sings of being in a state of decay and confusion because of these HAARP type and cell phone tower frequencies that are polluting the air and disrupting the natural electromagnetic balance of life. A few weeks ago when it started to get cold in my area I saw a flock of geese not flying south, but towards the east and for some time their flying formations have been off kilter. This is another way in which nature is speaking to us, telling us something is wrong.
Just as the bees and birds are barometers in nature, humanity is the intonater between the earth and the ionosphere. Man has lost touch with his environment and therefore with his source of sustenance because he is under the spell of the illuminati's new world order agenda, lost in a matrix called society, being socially engineered in a direction that does not even serve him. It is a sad state of affairs when man has lost touch with his environment and cannot read the signs it is blatantly telling him, where many believe chemtrails to be clouds and common sense towards his natural life and well being is next to nil.
This only proves that a return to a natural way of living is the only way to ensure man's survival. If the honey bee continues in this downward spiral then crop pollenation will cease, in turn our food crops will fail and man will starve.
"If the bee disappeared off the face of the globe, then man would only have four years left to live." - Albert Einstein
"Honeybees Are Dying All Over the United States, and Nobody Knows Why"
The scientists and bee keepers say they don't know why the bees are dying. They won't find the answer by looking for just one cause because the causes are many, most likely even more then what I laid out here. It will take an understanding of what is happening on this planet from a right brained approach. For with out symbolic site and pattern recognition emanating from a balanced, holistic mind, man will continue to be his own worst enemy and will also continue to be used and misdirected by those who think there is gain to be had in doing so.
The "leaders" of this world are fools because they are following through with an agenda of blind men who think that they can see, in which building their new world order is their only concern; they are suffering from tunnel vision and a certain form of insanity that has gone unchecked for too long. The new world order will come to naught like their ancestors endeavor in ancient times that brought about the destruction of Atlantis.
Our only hope in turning this around is that the true leaders of our time be heard, the ones the elite work so hard at keeping the people from hearing with all their main stream non-sense, the ones that are demonized as conspiracy nuts and tin foil hat wearers. The fact of the matter is, we are the most sane people on the planet who do what we do because of our care for life and true sense of justice; some of the attributes that are the hallmarks of any real leader.
"It is important however, to remember that leadership does not mean domination. The world is always well supplied with people who wish to rule and dominate others. The true leader is of a different sort: he seeks effective activity which has a truly beneficient purpose. He inspires others to follow in his wake, and holding aloft the torch of wisdom, leads the way for society to realize its genuinely great aspirations."
- Haile Selassie I
Hey AJ , been wondering what happened to you guys. I see you haven't posted in your blog for 3 years! That sucks. I just wanted to comment on your story and say that hile I agree that the sugar water substitute has been a problem for the bees, but don't u think the 20 million tons of aluminum, barium, and about a dozen other highly toxic materials that is being sprayed on us with aerosols have something to do with it? After all, just like the bee population has been devastated byu 80%, so has the bat population, as has the slamon population. See the site www.geoengineeringwatch.org and the vids at my YouTube page under chromelung66.
El Ray,
I briefly mentioned chemtrails in the post, but I didn't go into detail as far as the chemicals are concerned. I do agree with you though. Chemtrails are having all kinds of effects on us, animals and the environment; effects that aren't even known of because life functions on many levels. Such is the nature of mad scientists playing "god" who are stuck in the tunnel vision of their madness.
Take care and till next time,
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